Commercial Sector

© D. Howie - Vortex Aviation Photography

Training to become a commercial pilot can be challenging but the rewards on qualifying are extremely satisfying.


The sections below set out requirements, some of the career options and training pathways to becoming a Commercial Pilot.


Commercial Pilot Requirements


Before you go any further you should be aware that there are specific medical requirements to be a pilot. Details of all aspects of these requirements can be found below. Please ensure that you read the following and understand the requirements before starting any license application process.


The following notes have been modified to reflect Australian civil aviation standards. Where relevant, they have been based in part on those provided for the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) by experienced CAA Aviation Medical Examiner Dr Chris King (


If you are planning to fly either as a career or for pleasure, you will require a medical. CASA requires one of several different classes of medical, depending on the flying you plan to undertake. The following is an extract from the CASA website.


CASA issues aviation medical certificates to applicants who meet the relevant medical standard. Each class of medical certificate has a medical standard that is set out in the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR).


Class 1 Medical

Class 1 medical certificate standard applies to holders of an Air Transport Pilot Licence, Commercial Pilot Licence (other than balloons) and Multi-crew Pilot (aeroplane) Licence. Holders of a Commercial Pilot Licence can undertake some operations with a Class 2 medical certificate.


Class 2 Medical

The Class 2 medical certificate standard applies to holders of a Recreational Pilot Licence, Private Pilot Licence and a Commercial Pilot (Balloon) Licence that want to exercise the full privileges of their licence.


Holders of a Commercial Pilot Licence can conduct commercial flights that do not carry passengers with a Class 2 medical certificate if the maximum take-off weight is less than 8618 kg. This includes flight training.


A minimum of a Class 2 (or Basic Class 2) medical certificate is also required by a student pilot before they can fly solo.


Basic Class 2 Medical

A Basic Class 2 medical certificate is an alternative to a full Class 2 certificate that has been introduced in July 2018 for private operations. It has the following operational restrictions:

  • private operations by day under the visual flight rules (VFR) and below 10,000 feet a maximum of five passengers
  • piston engine aircraft
  • maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of less than 8618kg
  • no use of operational ratings (eg. instructor rating, instrument rating)
  • no use of flight activity endorsements (eg. aerobatics, low level).


The restrictions do not apply if a suitably qualified pilot with a valid Class 1 or Class 2 medical certificate occupies a control seat.


Examinations are conducted by any medical practitioner who can conduct a motor vehicle driver examination. The medical standard is exactly the same as a commercial driver standard (Austroads).


If you are planning to fly at the highest levels of professional aviation you will require a Class 1 medical although, as stated above, some limited commercial operations can be undertaken with a Class 2 medical.


Class 1 and Class 2 medical examinations can only be undertaken by a Designated Aviation Medical Examiner (DAME).


Before embarking on any flying training, it is worth having a medical performed at an early stage. This will enable you to find out if you have any medical problems that would delay or prevent you from flying and avoid any wasted expense on lessons if you are unfortunate enough not to reach the required CASA standards.


If you know about any existing medical problems it may be worth giving a DAME a call to discuss them and any possible implications. You can search for a DAME near you via the CASA website.


Currently, there are limitations to the eye prescription that are allowable - details on the CASA website. If you wear glasses or contact lenses it is worth getting an up to date eye prescription before attending for the medical as well as getting your colour vision checked (although your colour vision can usually be checked via the Ishihara test by your DAME). There is also a list of Designated Aviation Ophthalmologists (DAO) that can be located by the CASA website. These specialists provide expert advice to CASA on pilot vision, deficiencies and correction


If you have undergone laser eye surgery, then detailed pre-operative and postoperative reports will be required by CASA.


It is worth ascertaining the costs of the medicals before you attend and remember you will need to provide some photo identification.


When you do attend for your medical, it is important that you look and feel fit.


The following tips should help you to attend in optimum condition:

  1. Discuss with your DAME if you feel unwell for any reason (flu etc).
  2. Ideally attend not fatigued or jet lagged, this can affect vision and also the heart tracing (ECG)
  3. Avoid excess alcohol and coffee before the medical
  4. Avoid excessive exercise 48 hours before the medical as this could cause blood in urine. Try to produce a mid-stream specimen at your medical, the initial and end part of the sample could be contaminated.
  5. Avoid over the counter medications (e.g. decongestants), Red Bull and coffee etc
  6. Attend having had little to eat; a large meal could cause an elevated blood sugar, which could cause sugar in the urine and also may affect the ECG


If you are not at your best for any reason, feel free to discuss this with the DAME.


All previous medical problems and medication should be declared to your DAME. Be aware that the DAME and/or  CASA will require copies of medical reports from doctors in relation to any medical problems or medication you have declared. This does not mean you should avoid mentioning medical conditions to your doctor. The majority of medical conditions are not absolute contraindications to flying. The whole point of having a DAME is to ensure your safety and the safety of others in the air.


Further tests and reports may be required to ascertain your level of fitness.


Medical examination

  1. Height and weight can enable the body mass index (BMI) to be calculated. A high BMI could reveal obesity with an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. Obesity can  cause problems with evacuation of an aircraft. There are lower limits to BMI. Borderline cases would need to be investigated by the DAME if there were health risk concerns
  2. Pulse and blood pressure. Irregular or very slow pulses could indicate a problem with the conduction system of the heart. With high blood pressure there is an increased risk of heart disease and stroke
  3. The ECG (electrocardiogram/heart tracing) looks at the health of the heart muscle and the rhythm of the heart and electrical conduction system.
  4. The DAME should listen to the heart to make sure there are no untoward sounds (murmurs), which could indicate a problem with the heart valves
  5. The DAME will also auscultate (listen to) the lungs to check that there is air entry in all areas of the lungs
  6. Your abdomen will be checked to ensure there is no enlargement of liver, kidneys spleen or other organs
  7. Ears are examined for excess wax or any sign of a perforated eardrum. Hearing is checked via an audiogram, and there is a minimum standard that must be achieved.
  8. Eyes will be checked for acceptable vision with or without correction at 6 metres, as well as near vision using a special visual assessment chart. If you wear contact lenses make sure that you attend wearing your glasses or be prepared to take the lenses out in order to have your uncorrected vision checked. Be aware that your backup spectacles, required by all pilots that need visual correction to fly, must correct your vision to the same standard as your primary corrective lenses
  9. Colour vision is checked at initial entry. We also check your visual fields and make sure that there are no abnormal movements of the eyes, which could indicate a visual or inner ear problem
  10. A finger prick anaemia test is taken to measure your blood sugar level. Diabetes is a serious condition that must be carefully managed in pilots
  11. Urine is checked for blood, sugar and protein; this could indicate kidney disease or Diabetes
  12. Reflexes and movements of limbs for normal function will be covered in detail.
  13. We record scars and tattoos for identification purposes.
  14. A mental health assessment will be made by your DAME on the day of your examination. An observational assessment of the mental state of the pilot is done to see if there is any obvious mental disorder, stress, or evidence of excess alcohol or drug use.


What qualifications do I need?

Obtaining a commercial pilot’s licence will involve a fair amount of time in ground school studying a variety of aviation subjects. These range from learning how a wing works, to the rules of the air and how humans cope with the physical affects of flying. The top licence (an ATPL) requires exam passes at 70% or greater in 7 separate subjects. While the topics do not go into complex detail, the quantity of material and the fact that it is maths/physics based means that you should have a good grounding in these subjects (Year 12 or higher) before you start.


In addition your ability to learn will be tested as you progress through your flying training. Knowing which study methods or revision techniques you prefer will help you make the most of your ground school course. This is likely to be what has worked for you at school/college/university. Individual employers may ask for higher level qualifications.


Should I go to University?

The tuition fee system for university courses leaves many prospective pilots wondering whether they should go straight into flying training instead. Ultimately it will come down to your personal situation. A university degree may give you a range of experiences as well as another string to your bow should you be unable to continue as a professional pilot.


Airlines have shown a preference for candidates that hold a Bachelor Degree within any field, as this shows commitment and academic potential. However it is not a requirement by all airlines.


Another option is a course that combines an aeronautical degree and a professional pilot licence. There will be some more information later when we talk about training options.



Physical Skills

Hand-eye coordination is of course important, as well as other physical skills such as foot-eye coordination (for an aircraft’s rudder pedals), spatial awareness, reactions, observation & memory. Your aptitude & mental capabilities can be established by a computer and you can expect these skills to be tested by Flight Training Organisations (FTOs) and some employers.


Ideally you should seek independent aptitude testing before you invest too much financially & emotionally in pursuing a career as a professional pilot. Be guided by the result however disappointing this may be. On the plus side if you do well you can be confident in your skills and use the result as part of an application to a sponsor or financial institution.


Another resource is to participate in a Trial Induction Flight (TIF) which are run by most FTOs. This will allow you to experience controlling a light aircraft as well as give you the opportunity to speak first hand with a flight instructor, to ask questions and gain a more in-depth understanding of life as a pilot.


Soft Skills

Teamwork, leadership, followership, communication, decision-making & problem solving are skills that are important in any career, especially one as a commercial pilot. Employers may test these with group exercises or discuss your experiences at interview.


You can continuously build these ‘soft’ skills by taking up extra-curricular opportunities. Sports clubs & societies at school/university or externally, the Duke of Edinburgh Award and other volunteering placements along with your current employment will all develop your skills, even if you don’t realise it. The learning & improving never stops!


In addition airline employers look for your motivation behind setting out on the path to become a professional pilot and what kept you going along the way. Whichever route you take, there will be successes and failures which add to your experiences.




Potential Costs

There is no way of avoiding it; civil aviation is a very expensive business. When you are researching FTOs ensure that you really are comparing like-for-like and that all costs are included. The various elements of your training that you should budget for and their potential cost are:


Non-integrated or Modular courses require 200 flying hours to qualify for a Commercial Pilot Licence:

Costs approximately $95,000


Approved FTOs can conduct an Integrated Course consisting of a minimum 150 flight hours to qualify for a Commercial Licence:

Costs approximately $75,000


Many FTOs offer VET FEE-HELP financial assistance. VET Student Loans are offered by the Commonwealth Government to provide eligible students access to quality VET qualifications. This is a personal debt to the Commonwealth Government and incurs a 20% loan fee. For more information contact a VET FEE-HELP approved FTO.


Wherever you choose to train, do not pay for all of your training up front, even when offered a discount. You may lose all of your money if the school fails. All reputable FTOs will have no difficulty in accepting payment in agreed instalments during the course.


Living expenses – variable

These will vary wildly depending on whether you are living at home and commuting during the course or in FTO accommodation with meals provided. Also include living expenses for 6 months after you complete your course to give you time to find your first job.


Charts and other required documents - $50+

During Flight Training you will be required to supply your own charts and other documents; for example the Enroute Supplement Australia (ERSA). These are updated and subsequently need to be replaced every three months.


Equipment – variable

Equipment required during your flight training will include, but is not limited to:

Headset - $500-$1200

Navigation equipment


Flight bag


Exams - $1,200

(CPL exam fees only, text books and materials additional)

Some FTOs may not include the CASA required theory exams in their fees. If this is the case you should be aware of this additional cost as without completing these exams you will not be eligible for a licence.

With the exams comes the cost of text books, often $50-$100 for each subject. Also, required materials such as maps, law documents, and navigation equipment will be additional costs.

The cost to sit each exam and the required materials can be viewed on the Civil Aviation Safety Authority’s website, link below.


The costs of maps and required materials can be viewed on the Airservices Australia website, link below.


Extra Training – $2,500

Hopefully your training course goes without a hitch, however it would be wise to budget for extra flying or retaking a test.


Lost Earnings – variable

If you’re doing a fulltime course you won’t be able to work at the same time. If you’re doing a part- time or modular course then you may be able to earn money to put towards your flying.


Supplemental Training – variable

Once you’ve obtained your licence, it may be sometime before you secure that first job. During that time you may want to budget for refresher sessions in a simulator to keep your skills sharp in preparation for an interview. Alternatively you may choose to invest in a Jet Orientation Course or similar to increase your employment chances.


Before these figures put you off entirely, have a look at the Funding information below.



At the present time sponsorship opportunities for commercial pilot training are few and far between. However it is recognised that there is a global pilot shortage on the horizon and this policy may well change. While a return to full sponsorship is unlikely, airlines may advertise other alternatives and so keeping up to date with the industry is vital. You can do this with publications such as Australian Aviation, Australian Flying or Flight International. The Australian Federation of Air Pilots website, Pilot Jobs section advertises training courses as well as job vacancies.


Some airlines offer cadetship schemes where a successful candidate is taken under their wing before they start training. The candidate is still required to pay for their training, generally assuming that you will be eligible for Government FEE-HELP, but may be given some financial support to cover living costs as well as moral support from a pilot mentor of the airline. The airline usually offers employment at the end of the program subject to good training results & the airline’s current situation.


If you are considering paying for your own training (self-sponsoring), it may be worth investigating a career development loan. The state of the financial industry changes daily and much will be determined by your personal circumstances so you should speak to a Financial Advisor.


Although there are a few full sponsorships available, there are others that prospective pilots should consider. A number of organisations sponsor Private Pilots Licences (PPL) which is the first step on the ladder. Once you have your licence there are scholarships to help you gain the next level or obtain different flying experiences such as Flying Instructor or Multi Crew Cooperation Courses. Further details can be found on the Sponsorships tab.

Do's & Don'ts

Here is a reminder of some recommended advice before spending large sums of money on training as a professional pilot:


  • Establish your skills aptitude
  • Attain good academic qualifications
  • Obtain a Class 1 medical
  • Explore sponsorship opportunities
  • Research your options, make a plan & budget


  • Pay upfront for training, even when offered a discount.
  • Expect foreign licences (e.g USA) to automatically qualify for an CASA licence. Extra training will be required.
  • Build up flying hours in an unstructured manner, which may allow bad habits to develop.



What are the Training Options?

You can train to be a pilot on either a full time course or part time courses.  Here is a comparison of the main options.





























You will have already noticed some licence acronyms appearing. Continue on to our Licences page to discover what they all mean plus flowcharts showing your possible routes through pilot training.




A full time residential course at an approved Flight Training Organisation (FTO). Courses typically take 9 months starting from zero flying hours and finishing with a minimum 150hrs and a CPL.  Cost ~ $75,000. Additional training required for ATPL subjects, IR, FIR or MCC qualification



  • Continuity of training – one FTO, full time course.
  • Residential setting promotes team spirit & support between students at various stages in their training.


  • Cost.
  • Full time commitment for approximately 9 months or longer.

Non-Integrated (Modular)


The pilot training syllabus is broken into components – PPL, CPL, IR, FIR  ATPL subjects & MCC. A student may choose where and when they study each component. Minimum 200hrs required for a CPL. Cost is variable depending on where training is undertaken.



  • Training in "bite size chunks" if you cannot commit to the length of an integrated course.
  • May be cheaper or cost can be spread out over a longer period



  • Cost.
  • Full time commitment for approximately 9 months or longer.

University Degree


A university degree course combined with a Graduate Diploma where you spend a year or two studying for your aviation-themed degree before heading to an FTO for your CPL training. Additional training may be required for ATPL subjects, IR, FIR or MCC qualification. Cost ~ $150,000



  • Best of both worlds - a university degree and a CPL.
  • Often linked to future employer opportunities




  • Cost.
  • Full time commitment for approximately 9 months or longer.


Types of licences

There are a range of pilots’ licences achievable and at first the choice can be confusing with an array of acronyms and aviation terminology. This page gives a brief summary of what each licence allows you to do, what training & minimum flying experience is required and what your next steps could be.


Assuming you want to fly professionally then you will typically require one of three licences – a CPL, ATPL or MPL. You can compare these below for your chosen aircraft type.  Previously we looked at the integrated or modular training options and you can also see what these entail.


If you do not want to fly professionally, but recreationally then our Private Pilot page has more information on the range of private pilot licences.



Aeroplane Licences                             Helicopter Licences



What’s next?

Job seeking

The generic careers advice that you have already received applies equally to aviation as to any other professional industry. Ensure you get the basics right – follow instructions on application forms, limit your CV to 2 pages, personalise the covering letter, dress smartly and be prepared for the interview. All of these are recruiter’s favourites, remember they want to give you the job!


In addition to the usual interview, teamwork exercise and aptitude/psychometric testing an applicant for a commercial pilot’s job is likely to be put through a simulator check (simcheck). This may be in a familiar or unfamiliar aircraft type and generally asks you to perform basic manoeuvres so that you can demonstrate your flying skill level.


The recruitment of commercial pilots varies on a daily basis and so it is inappropriate to speculate here about current prospects. Typically recruitment opportunities are affected by the economic cycle and getting that first job may take a number of months from obtaining your licence. In that period you may need to budget for flying to keep your skills fresh so that you can make the most of an opportunity that comes along. Also you will need to decide whether you are willing to move, perhaps to a different state or country, to take up a new job.



Once you have obtained your professional pilot’s licence there are additional ratings that you may be required to acquire either before or after you secure employment. Within employment there are opportunities to change aircraft type or attain qualifications for different routes. There are ground school teaching positions, instructing positions, management roles (including becoming a captain) and special projects that enable you to develop your career.


Further Training

You may want to consider further training. A Jet Orientation Course is aimed at easing the transition from your single engine training aircraft to more complex types and introducing and developing the basic technical competencies required to underpin completion of the Multi-Crew Cooperation Course. A  Multi Crew Cooperation Course is designed to provide you with the team skills you need to work effectively as a pilot on a modern-day flight deck in a multi-crew airline environment.


A number of newly qualified commercial pilots are choosing to self-sponsor their own type rating in order to make them more attractive to potential airline employers. For more details please see Employer Training.


Flying Instructor

Becoming a flying instructor is a great way to be employed in aviation while you wait for an airline job. Not only are you staying involved in your chosen industry, but you will also build up vital flying time that will improve your CV as your experience increases month by month.


You will find flying schools across the country offering Flying Instructor courses which take about a month to six weeks to complete – weather dependent. You will spend approximately 150 hours in ground school, 50 hours flying and after successful completion of a test, you will be awarded a Flight Instructor Rating with a Grade 3 Training Endorsement.


During the course you will learn how to teach the PPL course, both flying and ground school. You will become proficient at giving lectures on ground school subjects and be able to give standard briefings on every flying exercise. Sometimes this can mean going back to basics yourself.


There are many ways to be employed as a flying instructor at a variety of flying schools which can suit different lifestyles and expectations. Work can range from full time permanent work to part time or contract work, to “pay as you fly” arrangements.


Once you have gained your basic instructor rating you can work towards additional training endorsements; for example, a night flying instructor, a multi-engine instructor or an instrument flying instructor. These will all help hone your flying skills and look impressive on your CV.


The cost of the course can be of the order of $20,000 depending on which school you choose and on which type of aircraft you complete the flying. There may be  scholarships available to cover part of the cost of the course. Check out Scholarships tab to find out more.


Employer training

Congratulations, you’ve made it through the recruitment process and are starting your first job using your hard-earned commercial pilot’s licence. Your employer will guide you through the last items of training that they require you to have.


If you’re working for an airline you will need to hold a Type Rating for the specific aircraft that you will be operating, for example the Boeing 737 or Airbus A320. The course examines the mechanical systems on the aircraft before you spend approximately 50 hours in a simulator practicing emergencies. The course concludes with training during day-to-day route flying with passengers. In the past the majority of airlines would pay for this course, however ‘bond” the employee to work for them for 3-5 years. However some airlines may ask a prospective employee to pay for this training, with the significant cost varying depending on type, although they typically have finance schemes in place.


The Day Job

Commercial pilots find that they are one of the most examined and tested  professions. For example, an average airline pilot will be:

  • Examined in a simulator on emergency procedures every 6 months.
  • Checked on a normal day’s flying once per year (a line check).
  • Medically examined by an Aviation Medical Examiner once or twice a year.
  • Tested on safety procedures & aircraft technical knowledge once per year.


The lifestyle is incredibly varied. You will typically be working a roster so may not be able to plan your life too far ahead. You can expect to work at weekends and at all hours of the day and night. For many it is this variety that is so appealing.


Pay & Conditions

Pay varies across the aviation industry. Some companies have incremental salaries, some a flat rate and in addition some have a supplemental flight pay system (eg $10 per hour flying). Conditions such as a company pension, private health insurance (PHI), loss of licence insurance & company travel are worth considering.


A new licence holder starting as a First Officer for an airline can expect a salary of approximately $80,000 flying a jet and $52,000 on a turbo-prop. On promotion to Captain, salary could start at $70,000 - $135,000, depending on aircraft type. For a rough idea of a company’s specific remuneration package, try



Aviation is a small world and so you can expect to cross paths with people you meet at some point again later in your career. You will find that you build up a network of friends who work for different companies and areas of the industry who you can call on for advice.


There are a number of organisations that represent or would be of interest to pilots:

Honourable Company of Air Pilots, Australian Region –

Royal Aeronautical Society, Australian Division (RAeS) –

Australian Federation of Air Pilots (AFAP) –

Australian International Pilots Association –


© The Honourable Company of Air Pilots, Australia Incorporated