How many of us, as youngsters, have looked up to the sky and marvelled at the aircraft flying overhead? They may be commercial aircraft, little more than a speck on a schedule to distant parts; an executive jet taking someone from the world of business or entertainment to some important meeting or event. It could be an air ambulance heading off to an emergency or military aircraft on an exercise or mission.
Whatever their purpose, they all have one thing in common. The pilots behind the controls have all gone through extensive training to do what they are now doing.
There are many routes to a career in aviation. Many start flying with a friend and go on to complete a private pilot’s licence before going on to career based training. Some start at organisations like the Air Cadets. Others start formal training on the back of academic study and direct entry in to a formal training programme. If you are passionate about pursuing a career as a pilot there is probably going to be a route that suits your skills, academic results and ability.
If it has captured your imagination and you are thinking of a career as a pilot, then Flying Start Australia is here to help guide you through the choices, what is involved, where you can go for further information and help.
“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, and there you long to return”.
Leonado da Vinci
If you are thinking of a career as a professional pilot, before going any further, it is strongly recommended that you consider taking a Pilot Aptitude Assessment and medical assessment by a Designated Medical Examiner.
In Australia there are a number of independent organisations that specialise in conducting Pilot Aptitude Tests which can be found through a search of the web. If you are having difficulty locating one please contact us.
You should also be aware that there are specific medical requirements to be a pilot. For civil pilot licences the medical requirements can be found at the CASA website. Physical fitness requirements for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) may be higher than for civil pilot licences and can only be assessed by an ADF Medical Examiner.
© The Honourable Company of Air Pilots, Australia Incorporated